Durham writer and poet - 'grape Juice' in hand' !


Bob Dixon

Sadly Bob died last year - see my brief Obituary


The Publications

& The Web-links


In 1977 and 1990 Bob Dixon wrote three  books based on  detailed research  into the way in which the publishing and toy industries shaped the stereotypes and attitudes of generations of children from Britain and around the world.


He looked at the toys, games and puzzles and children's  fiction and the class, race and gender messages they conveyed to children in their most formative years. 


This inculcation  of ideas was relentlessly pursued by some manufacturers and publishers.  While some of the worst examples have become unacceptable, the more subtle messages are still being peddled in a way that undermines the efforts of the many activists working to overcome prejudice, discrimination, violence and war.


This cunning implantation of ideas, is still willingly, if unwittingly used by, and under the noses of  those who sufferer from the prejudice and discrimination they promote - the women (who cared for the children), in poor and lower middle class families, non-heterosexual and non-white people. And together with a concentration on machismo for boys, still create and reinforced acceptance of a culture of civilian violence and war.


 And in the conclusion, he roundly challenges the justifications and excuses that "they only reflect human nature and society" with evidence from anthropoligists.


His poetry savagely reflect these political attitudes and the way they affect individuals and society - justifying and excusing conflict and violence in society and all the horrors of war. *

The Publications & Web-links


MAKE CAPITALISM HISTORY - Artery Publications 2006 poems and other communications. - Available A Few Poems



MORE AGITATION - A few of the poems

Artery Publications 1999  - Political Satires and other Poems - Available




PLAYING THEM FALSE -Trentham Books 1990

A Study of Children's Toys, Games and Puzzles

- Available   


AGITPOEMS - Artery Publications 1985


NOW READ ON - Pluto Press 1982  Recommended fiction for Young People



CATCHING THEM YOUNG - Pluto Press 1977


    Vol 1: Sex, Race and Class in Children's Fiction

    Vol 2: Political Ideas in Children's Fiction


Both are out of print but available here to read on-line or print off.


Some are still in print.

All may be available in libraries,

Used copies from Amazon or

In part, on line on the above links




*The purpose of this website is to promote the work and writing of Bob Dixon in the hope that it will continue to be used to  contribute to the ongoing campaigns for autonomy, freedom, equality and peace and against all forms of violence and  oppression.

It is an ongoing project

S. Mayer